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Following its successful launch at the "Die 66" trade fair in Munich, the anti-fall course was held for the first time at a medical supply store at the Health Day of the Beuthel medical supply store in Wuppertal on 9 June.

After the successful start at the trade fair "Die 66" in Munich, the Anti-Splunge-Course at the Health Day of the medical supply store Beuthel on June 9th in Wuppertal was held for the first time at a medical supply store. The participants were taught the contents of fall prophylaxis and trained in the use of sensible aids. One participant, who had just fallen, emphasized that she would have a few less bruises in the future with more attention and the experience gained from visiting the course. She spontaneously decided to use a stable residential rollator in the future and not to lean on her furniture any more.


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