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Are you an enthusiastic user of a Saljol product because your aid helps you to cope better with everyday life? Do you not let age-related impairments take the fun out of life? Or have you found a good way to deal with motor or neurological limitations? We are interested in your story and would like to invite you to become a Saljol encourager. Because your personal experiences and your way of overcoming your challenges can encourage and motivate other people. Become a part of Saljol like Peter, Bidi or Marietta - their experiences have already reached many readers. We would love to visit you and look forward to hearing your inspiring story, your experiences and your helpful tips.

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Introducing: These are our Saljol courage makers

Peter Spendler

Peter Spendler: Enjoying freedom thanks to a rollator

Peter had a stroke at the age of 60. After eleven months in hospital and a poor prognosis, he took his recovery into his own hands. He was spurred on by his courage.

"Even if the road is difficult, it's worth fighting for - we enjoy our freedom with a rollator as often and as well as possible!"

What gave him even more strength was the desire to be able to actively experience his grandchildren. He trained and trains for this - and for his wife Edith - day after day. Peter learned to stand up and walk again. Learned to use the toilet on his own again. And learned to eat by himself again. He can walk 100 to a maximum of 200 meters with a rollator and he does this as often as possible. For longer distances, he is dependent on a wheelchair. Peter and Edith even traveled to Dubai with a lot of courage and the happiness of regaining their freedom!

Here you can read Peter's moving story.

Marietta Kracher: Full of life despite illness

This is Marietta. She suffers from HMSN/CMT - Hereditary Motor Sensory Neuropathy/Charcot-Marie-Tooth. A neuro-muscular disease that results in restricted movement. She does not let this get her down. On the contrary: despite the pain, she often enjoys being out and about and has equipped herself perfectly for her adventures.

"This is my personal "fleet". Other people might have countless pairs of shoes - I have three wonderful runabouts that make my life easier and are also fun!"

The anthracite-colored speedster is her helper around the house. The beige Allround rollator is perfect for short walks off-road thanks to its large front wheels and one-hand brake. And the blue carbon rollator is your "cream of the crop" for a little stroll around town, a smart meal out or a visit to the theater or a concert.

Marietta Kracher

You can find Marietta's experiences with Saljol products and more from our encourager here:

How showering works with the Saljol shower stool.
Marietta on life during the pandemic as part of the at-risk group.

Bidi Grotz

Birgit Grotz: Around the world in a rollator wheelchair

Birgit has always been called Bidi - and has had MS since 1992. She was only 24 years old at the time. A shock. At first, the disease came in spurts. And Bidi was still able to fulfill her great wish to become a mother. She had five children. And she still enjoys spending time with her family today. She is now dependent on a rollator wheelchair.

"I can no longer go for walks. My husband encouraged me to use a rollator wheelchair. I resisted it at first - but now I think it's great: my husband drives me, I can see a lot and I don't have to be careful about tripping!"

Bidi even had her aid with her when she traveled to visit her son in Ireland. She used the airline's wheelchair service and was therefore mobile everywhere in Ireland.

In our interview, Bidi talks about her experiences with the Rollz Motion Performance.

Manuel Fuchs: In rehab with the indoor rollator

Manuel underwent a long stay in a rehabilitation clinic due to a serious accident while ski touring.
The ski tourers were caught in an avalanche in February 2019 and the masses of snow caused serious injuries to Manuel's legs. He fought his way back to his feet at the Enzensberg specialist clinic.

"One day you take a step back and two days later you take two steps forward again. Keep at it, don't give up, that's important."

Manuel used a Saljol indoor rollator to support his rehabilitation stay. He found the rollator particularly practical for short distances in his room, as it was always a bit cumbersome with crutches. Being able to sit on the rollator gave him the break he needed during his "forays" through the clinic.

Mutmacher Manuel  - Werde Mutmacher

Mutmacher Claudius - Werde Mutmacher

Claudius Mott: Mobile at home despite MS

Claudius has had MS for around 30 years. For the first few years, the disease was relapsing. Now, for around 15 years, he has been in the second phase of the disease, secondary progressive. He finds it increasingly difficult to move and has gradually had to give up all sports. Claudius is restricted in his everyday life due to his illness.

"The indoor rollator is a very mobile, versatile seat. And it makes my life easier."

The rollator supports him in the kitchen in particular, for example when emptying the dishwasher. If he gets out of breath or weak, he can quickly support himself or sit down. It is particularly important to him that he can also use the indoor rollator as a classic rollator, as he has no handrail to hold on to in his home.

Maximilian Seebrecht: Setting an example with a rollator

At 75, Maximilian Seebrecht still likes to get out and about a lot. He no longer wants to do without his carbon rollator, because thanks to it he can walk for longer without too much pain in his legs. During his outings, he always notices how positively the people around him react to him and his aid.

"I'm overwhelmed by the response I get. "May I help you?" is something I hear all the time. I'm surprised how people, young and old, come up to you, make room or want to help."

At first glance, Mr. Seebrecht liked the design of the Saljol Carbon rollator. But much more important and decisive for him was the fact that the carbon content of this rollator makes it very light. In his eyes, this is the most important thing when using a rollator. In addition, the cork TPE handles give a warm feeling and feel.

Mutmacher Seebrecht

Would you like to read more about Maximilian Seebrecht? Then read the blog Active through everyday life with a carbon rollator.

As a Saljol Encourager, you can test several of our products and we will discuss with you which products best support you with your individual challenges and your daily routine.

You can also share your story with us and other sufferers! We look forward to hearing from you! Write to Nele Appel at or call our colleagues on 08141 317740.

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What is an aid worth to you?

What is a rollator worth to me? It is not possible for everyone to spend several hundred euros on an aid from one day to the next. Whether a product is worth its price depends on many factors and not least on the user's own wishes and needs.

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