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Unpack together!

Congratulations on your purchase! With your Saljol product you get an extra plus in safety and stability. You actively contribute to reducing falls in everyday life. In order that you can use your product safely, we will give you a briefing. So you are ideally prepared. Let's go!

Table of contents

Living room rollator Page

Youtube Vorschau jdSTbJK-iH4

In this video we will unpack your new Home Rollator Page together with you and show you the first steps with your new product.

Youtube Vorschau XHVQRzFnoZA

In this video we show you the first steps with your new living room rollator Page.

Carbon rollator

Youtube Vorschau wMiBOv-xETg

In this video we unpack your new Carbon Rollator together with you and show you the first steps with your new product.

Youtube Vorschau vebLJYdR1NQ

In this video we show you the first steps with your new Carbon rollator.

Youtube Vorschau FtdzpyjBOSU

In this video you will learn how to fold the Carbon rollator from SALJOL RIGHT. It is very easy and you can do it directly at home. Have fun trying it out.

Youtube Vorschau rgyNO7yOLcg

Put it on the rollator correctly. It is not so easy. In this video you will learn tips on how to sit on your walker safely and easily.

Youtube Vorschau 8UNK4elol3M

In this video we show you how to set the right size for your walker.

Shower stool Spa

Youtube Vorschau YErHr3iH5Oc

In this video we unpack your new shower stool Spa together with you.

Rollz Motion Performance

Youtube Vorschau IN_i9h0_dI8

In this video we unpack your new Rollz Motion Performance together with you.

Youtube Vorschau iII_Z7Ocw2M

In this video we show you the first steps with your new Rollz Motion Performance.

Rollz Flex

Youtube Vorschau iKpO9REgqlg

In this video we unpack the Rollz Flex together.

Youtube Vorschau AMkZBanbUL8

In this video you will learn how to fold the Rollz Flex Rollator correctly.

Rollz Motion

Youtube Vorschau UnwNrhjDQPI

In this video you will learn how to fold the Rollz Motion correctly.

Youtube Vorschau -f8_kHrMLcw

In this video we show you the first steps with your new Rollz Motion.

Youtube Vorschau RDTp3TRNHOs

In this video you will learn how to overcome kerbs with your Rollz Motion.

Youtube Vorschau PcKFzrIZJII

In this video you will learn how to wear the Rollz Motion correctly.

Extra wheelchair upholstery

Youtube Vorschau E_oRfixuxZ0

In this video we unpack your new wheelchair upholstery Extra together with you and show you the first steps with your new product.

Club2 & Club2 Soft stand-up chair

Youtube Vorschau gwLcj-X_YGA

In this video we unpack your Club2 stand-up chair together.

Swivel table Tabula

Youtube Vorschau lSWiiJ0Sr50

In this video we assemble your new Tabula swivel table together.

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