We stay at home: tips for avoiding falls
Do you need support from a relative or a nursing service every day, but in the current situation do you want to keep the moments of contact with others as low as possible?
We will show you solutions and give you tips on how you can take over some things in everyday life in a self-determined way and thus keep direct contact with others as little as possible.
How do I avoid falls at home? If you have any questions or would like individual advice, please contact our customer service on 08141 317 740. Simone will be happy to help you in a web chat. She is also a risk group due to a chronic illness.
You can also read our tips for avoiding falls at home!
Who's gonna help me out of bed?
You wake up refreshed and want to dress up a little for the day: Usually your nurse or family member comes and helps you out of bed?
Try our Page living room rollator. The rollator, already parked at your bed the day before, helps you get up. Sit down on the edge of the bed and lean on the rollator that is parked, so you can get out of bed comfortably.
Please think about which activities are really necessary today and which you would be better off canceling to spend the day at home. In the current situation, the CoVid-19 virus causes a lot of uncertainty. Therefore it is currently best to stay at home. In this way you can protect yourself and other people from further spread of the virus or infection.
Use the living room rollator as a toilet support aid
Now it goes on in your everyday life, mostly to the toilet first. No problem with the bellboy: use the rollator as a handrail or support handle. You go to the toilet with the rollator, turn around and apply the brakes of the bellboy. Now hold on to the front bar of the pageboy and slowly sit down on the toilet. When you get up, you can pull yourself back up on the bellhop and drive to the sink.
And while you are in the bathroom: Please remember to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds several times a day.
In the following video you can see different ways to use the bellboy as a toilet support. The advantage: You can do without additional support handles for the time being. This way you avoid additional contact with craftsmen.

How can I wash myself without help?
If you belong to the risk group, you should avoid contact with other people as much as possible. In this way you keep the risk of infection low. This is why you have to do many things on your own, even if you usually get help from nursing staff. Are you unable to stand freely in the shower or even when washing for long enough to wash yourself? Maybe you should skip your weekly bathing with the nursing staff as a precautionary measure and use the washbasin or shower at home to wash yourself. If you don't want to do without the shower, a shower stool can help you to wash yourself independently and without the risk of falling.
With the shower stool Spa you can simply remain sitting while washing. The heat-reflecting seat has a hygiene recess. This is large enough for you to wash yourself comfortably while sitting down - even the intimate area. Do you have to turn towards your shower gel or shower tap when showering? This is also no problem for our shower stool, as it can turn on the spot. Don't worry: the wheels only turn on the spot, the stool won't slip away. Drying can also be done while sitting on the shower stool. After showering, you can sit comfortably on your designated page and get dressed again.

How do I set the table with a walking frame?
Now it goes on to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. You can also do this very easily while sitting on the page, as the page is the only walker that allows you to "scurry". This means that you can sit on the rollator and move around your apartment at the same time. So you can move from the fridge, coffee machine, sink or dishwasher without much effort, and you can do this comfortably sitting down. By the way, even emptying the dishwasher is no longer a problem with the bellhop sitting down.
For serving breakfast, it is a good idea to equip the rollator as a serving trolley with a tray. To do this, you have to stand up and place the tray on the bellboy. Now you can comfortably serve breakfast at your table.
Where can I get food?
You noticed when looking in the refrigerator that you no longer have all the necessary food in the house? If you belong to the above-mentioned risk group (see end of text) for the CoVid-19 virus, please write a shopping list and give it to a home help of the nursing service or a relative by phone. In the meantime, lists of helpers have been compiled in many cities/places. Here you can contact a person in your area who will be happy to run errands or errands for you. Have the food/goods placed in front of your door. By ringing the bell, the supplier should only inform you that the goods have been left at the front door. You can then bring them into the apartment without having to contact the supplier directly. Currently, many regional retailers offer a delivery service, but you can find out more by telephone or online from your local retailer.
As a small tip by the way: Why don't you inform yourself in your regional supermarkets. Some of them currently offer special opening hours for senior citizens so that they can shop outside of normal business hours with fewer people in the supermarket.
Let us look further into your self-determined everyday life at home. Now, after the delivered lunch, allow yourself a nap. In our stand-up and reclining chair you will find the ideal place for this, as you can sit down and get up again independently. To sit down, simply move the armchair to the stand-up position, lean back and then comfortably move into the sitting or reclining position and enjoy a moment of peace and quiet. Standing up is also child's play in reverse order and is completely unassisted. The armchair will transport you gently and without effort back into the stand-up position.
At the moment, many events and meetings with several people are cancelled, which can have a negative impact on social life. In order to prevent this from happening, make regular phone calls with people in your environment, video telephony via the Internet can also be a good solution. For example, you can see your grandchildren even if they do not come to your home.
If you need a prescription, order the prescription by telephone from your family doctor and have the medicine delivered by your pharmacy. If you have urgent health problems, please call your family doctor, describe your symptoms and ask for a home visit if necessary. In this way you can keep direct contact in doctor's surgeries to a minimum.
We stick together
Your health and safety are the focus of every decision we make. We do everything in our power to protect you as our customers and part of the risk group. It is very important to us to contribute to preventing or at least slowing down the spread of the corona virus.
For this reason, hygiene measures have been tightened in our dispatch centre and their strict observance has been consistently monitored. We work tirelessly to ensure that the products you now need for a safe everyday life at home are delivered in the safest possible way.
Even if you order online, you do not have to do without advice and instruction. Please feel free to contact us by phone or live chat for a briefing. By the way, you can order our products online without any risk. In case of doubt, we promise you an uncomplicated back transaction and a 30-day money-back guarantee.
Even if the current atmosphere can cause uncertainty, we console ourselves with the fact that we are paying attention to each other more than ever before and are showing a new form of humanity.
We are still here for you and hope that our products and also our blog will inspire you for an independent everyday life at home. Take care of yourself and stay healthy!