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Experience report: Interview with MS patient Claudius

Claudius has had MS for around 30 years. His illness limits Claudius' daily life. In an interview, he told us how he deals with the hurdles in his everyday life.

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Today we're talking about Saljol's Indoor Rollator. Would you briefly tell us what your current situation is?

I've had MS for about 30 years. It was relapsing for the first few years. Now, for about 15 years, it has been in the second phase of the disease, secondary progressive. And I'm getting worse and worse at moving around. Very rumpy. I can no longer walk very far. I've gradually had to give up all sports. I'm also limited in my everyday life.
For example, when I cook or empty the dishwasher or move around the apartment, the rollator supports me. And not as a classic rollator, but rather as a sudden seat. If I get exhausted, if I can no longer stand, which happens very quickly, then I can simply support myself and sit down. And that's the real added value for me. As I said, it's less of a classic rollator and more of a mobile seat cushion. Or also as a means of moving around the home by tripping.

Page Wohnraum-Rollator Anthrazit - Mutmacher - Arbeiten im SItzen an der Küchenarbeitsplatte

Page Wohnraum-Rollator Anthrazit - Mutmacher - Trippeln in der Küche

If you want to sit, you could also use a normal chair. What is better about the indoor rollator?

I had long considered buying a three-legged stool. But what's much better about the indoor rollator is the mobility. I can push it exactly where I am, where I work. That might be possible with a normal chair, but it's much more awkward. When I'm in the kitchen, I use it to move along the kitchen counter.

You just push yourself along with your feet, don't you?

Feet and hands. This great mobility helps me and benefits me. You have the soft seat cushion and the back roll for the indoor rollator.

You have the back roll because it's softer, or why exactly?

It's great for leaning against. I didn't even know there was such a thing. I just discovered it. And it just makes it much more comfortable and easier to use in everyday life.

Page Wohnraum-Rollator Anthrazit - Mutmacher - Rückenrolle Grau

Page Wohnraum-Rollator Anthrazit - Mutmacher - Wohnraum-Rollator als Alltagshelfer

Do you also use the indoor rollator for other rooms or mainly for the kitchen?

Mainly there, actually. But with MS, you never know exactly in which direction the disease will develop. That means I'm glad to know that you can also use it as a classic rollator. I don't have a handrail in my apartment that I can hold on to. But with the indoor rollator, I have a mobile handrail.

What does the rollator mean to you in your words?

In short, it's simply a real relief. It's a very mobile, versatile seat. And it makes my life easier. Because you can brake and lock it at any time, you can also use it as a mobile handrail. If I'm moving around the apartment and need to hold on for a moment because I lose my balance or get out of breath, whatever.

Let's talk briefly about the look. Do you like the design or do you have any suggestions as to what could be done differently?

It's discreet. It's low-key. Not gaudy. And it's unobtrusive, visually inconspicuous. I like it a lot.

Page Wohnraum-Rollator Anthrazit - Handbremse - Mutmacher - Spülmaschine

Thank you very much, dear Claudius, for letting us be with you. Many thanks for the great statements.

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