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New: SALJOL's Carbon Rollator Safety, comfort and design of the upper class - In the style of the 1950s. From September, the auxiliary equipment company SALJOL will offer a high-class carbon rollator.

(Fürstenfeldbruck, 06.09.2018) From September, the auxiliary equipment company SALJOL will offer a high-class carbon rollator, which stands for high safety and a lot of comfort. The design is based on the shapes and colours of the 1950s and thus evokes memories of the dream cars of that time. At the same time, they rely on modern materials and maximum functionality.

In their work, the developers were able to draw on twenty years of rollator experience. Thus they created a rollator based on proven technology with a high degree of safety, comfort and chic, which is deliberately positioned in the upper class. "We have developed a modern, high-quality carbon rollator that is one of the best on the market in terms of design, safety, functionality and weight," says Thomas Appel, founder of the aid start-up SALJOL, which developed the rollator. With its rounded shapes, spoked wheels and classic colours, the rollator picks up on the design language of the 1950s and is particularly intended to appeal to an older, design and style-conscious target group. The choice of colours corresponds to this: The carbon rollator is available in British Racing Green, Midnight Blue and Star Silver.


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