Digital appointments in the medical supply store
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The Corona crisis is not ending and will probably keep us busy until autumn. The top priority remains to protect the risk group. Many medical supply stores are currently forgoing personal external appointments in favour of their customers.
But fortunately we have long since arrived in 2020. An age in which "house arrest" is no longer necessary without contact to the outside world.
We at Saljol have therefore changed our sales work at short notice and offer virus-free customer appointments via video conference. In the last few weeks we have learned a lot and developed a small guide for digital customer appointments, which you are welcome to use for your own needs in discussions with nursing homes or hospitals.
... you want to continue to protect your customers in the medical supply store and therefore do without external appointments as far as possible.
... you already have experience with digital appointments, but would like to learn a few more tips and tricks.
... ... you want to give your conversation partner a small guide on how to register for a video conference.
... you wonder whether and how aids can be presented online.
... you want to lose your nervousness before a digital appointment.
To receive the whitepaper, please enter your contact details so that we can send you a link. Your data is safe with us - please refer to our privacy policy for details.