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Easter gifts in times of Corona

Easter - small gifts for Easter Banner

Why don't you make your loved ones a little treat at Easter too? Due to the current ban on contact, you only need to be a little more creative. Our team has also thought about this and we do not want to withhold our ideas from you.

How to make your loved ones happy at Easter despite social isolation

Leave Easter nest outside the door

We already know it from our childhood when we had to clean our boots for Santa Claus to find our presents in them the next morning. So why not put an Easter nest of the Easter Bunny on our doorstep? Fill the nests with colourful Easter eggs and chocolate Easter bunnies, or maybe even an Easter breakfast. For many people, the traditional Easter breakfast has an important meaning, so you can simply fill the Easter nest with all the ingredients for the perfect Easter breakfast, add a bag of fresh rolls and there you go with a little Easter surprise that is sure to bring a lot of joy.


Easter Postcards

In many countries , sending personalized postcards is an important tradition , especially at Christmas. Nowadays, you don't even have to make elaborate pictures for this, have them printed into postcards that you have to write on by hand and then put them in the mailbox in time. Meanwhile there are apps for your smartphone. Just take a nice picture with your smartphone or choose one of the templates. Now you can turn the picture into a postcard in the app, write a text and the recipient's address and the postcard will be printed for you for a small amount of money and sent directly to the desired recipient. An app that you can download free of charge is called "Holiday Greeting". You can even schedule the sending of the card, so your postcard will arrive in time for Easter.

Flowers for Easter

give flowers

Especially now in spring, everyone is looking forward to a splash of colour, in the form of flowers, in their home. There are many providers on the Internet where you can choose a bouquet of flowers, or a flower pot, and have them sent directly to your loved ones at home. You can also schedule the delivery and the arrival of the flowers at Easter is guaranteed. Of course, if you live not too far away, you can also put flowers in front of the door yourself.


If you want something really special for Easter, you can have chocolates sent to your loved ones. Many manufacturers of chocolates offer a shipping service. And especially for Easter there are many special offers, which are not only pretty to look at, but are also a real treat. You can also have individual greeting cards added by some suppliers.

Saljol Held set for the apartment

Do your relatives also use their walking stick at home to prevent falls? Our Hero Set is the ideal gift for this. In the home, the metal plates/metal edges can be attached to your favourite places with double-sided adhesive tape. So the walking stick, through the magnetic cuff on the shaft, can be attached anywhere where the metal plates were attached. In addition, the walking stick also holds on radiators or door sticks made of metal and you no longer have to bend down after walking sticks fall over. You can let send the set directly to your loved ones at home, because the assembly is very easy to accomplish by the already attached adhesive tape.

Magnetic Stick Holder Held Indoor

What surprise do you have for Easter?

We are sure that you yourself will find some ideas how to make Easter a beautiful day for you and your family anyway.


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