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Innovation from Germany

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SALJOL entwickelt alle Produkte in Deutschland nur für Sie.

Dadurch erfüllen wir höchste Ansprüche auf Qualität und Sicherheit.

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Profitieren Sie von unserer 30-Tagen-Geld-Zurück-Garantie:

Einfach bestellen, 30 Tage kostenlos testen und bei Nichtgefallen einfach zurückschicken.

Saljol verspricht Ihnen eine unkomplizierte Rückabwicklung.

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Standard- und Express-Checkout

Saljol arbeitet mit den sichersten Zahlungsmethoden und Partnern.

In Zusammenarbeit mit Paypal, können Sie unseren Express-Checkout nutzen - ohne Anmeldung, ohne Extrakosten.


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Are you a future Saljolinger?

  • Saljolinger are burning to bring fun (back) to customers' lives! Working at Saljol means being able to help people who depend on assistive devices.

  • Saljolinger love challenges! Just like our products are getting better and better, we are also constantly developing and rethinking things as a team.

  • Saljolinger take responsibility! At Saljol, independent work and customer satisfaction are our top priorities.

What Saljol offers you

  • We work flexibly - in the office, in the home office and with flextime.
  • You can fully contribute your talents and strengths - even across departments!
  • You can develop yourself further with us - external training and "getting a taste" of other areas of work at Saljol are supported.


The Saljol Team

We at Saljol want to revolutionize the rehab industry with new approaches. We are a small company from Maisach near Munich. Our vision is to make people happy with aids that offer quality, functionality, comfort and noble design in one.

More about the team

What does Saljol stand for?

For a company that was founded in 2016 to bring a smile to the faces of people who need a little support to lead a happy, self-determined life.

For products that not only solve problems, but also do their job unobtrusively and look stylish at the same time.

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