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The living room rollator in the home

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You can cook at home safely and comfortably!

For people with a difficulty in walking or old age, a rollator is important and helpful. But also at home, walking can become a real challenge when you have to get from A to B. This not only involves a high risk of falling, it is also associated with an expenditure of energy. Especially the little available strength must be used sparingly. So that you can use it for other things that are important to you.

Youtube Vorschau 1XyI-7mWkM8

With the Indoor Rollator we offer you a real all-rounder. It cannot only in the bathroom or as a toilet support frame. The Indoor Rollator will also make it easier and safer to complete daily tasks in the household.

In the following we would like to show you how easy cooking and cleaning with the indoor rollator can be. And that even energy-saving and comfortable while sitting.

Page Wohnraum-Rollator mit Tablett

Transport ingredients

You can safely transport your ingredients to your work surface. For this you need the tray, available as an accessory. Walk with your rollator to the refrigerator or pantry and put your needed food and kitchen utensils on the tray. Now you can safely walk back to your work surface and prepare your selected ingredients. For this you support yourself on the parked rollator on the tray or on the frame.

Cooking while seated saves energy

You know this certainly: in the long run it becomes quite exhausting to stand in the kitchen. On the indoor rollator you can, at any time if necessary, sit down comfortably. Remove the tray and put the seat board down. Always set the parking brakes first before sitting down. Now you can safely sit on the walker in the kitchen.

Page Küche Sitzen

Page Wohnraum-Rollator Anthrazit - Mutmacher - Trippeln

Moving and tripping

When you move between sink and worktop you can use the indoor rollator tripping. Just sit on the rollator to move around. Release the brakes on your walker and slowly push yourself off with your feet. This will help you get from A to B in the kitchen.

Use as a handrail

The rollator for indoor also serves as mobile handrail, on which you can safely lean. Fold the seat board upwards and stand in the frame. This will bring you closer to the work surface and you can, at the same time, lean on your rollator.

Page Wohnraum-Rollator Anthrazit - Stützen und Gehen

Page Wohnraum-Rollator Elfenbein - Tisch decken

Set the table

To set the table, equip the rollator with the tray and put the required items on top of it.

Thanks to the Z-shape of the rollator frame, you can move the tablet completely over the table top. This way you can place plates and cutlery safely.

Serve the prepared meals also with help of the trays. To eat you can now sit on the wooden seatboard of your rollator. We wish you bon appétit!

The living room rollator helps with cleaning and tidying up

The JOST bag - the ideal transport option

Equip your living room rollator with the JOST bag and use it to transport items safely from one room to another. For example, you can easily transport your phone, book, newspaper or even cleaning utensils in your sturdy bag. Things that need to be tidied up, you can store in it and bring to the desired room.

You can also hang the bag on the bottom step and insert the wooden seat board above it. So you have the possibility to have your things always with you.

The bag even has a strap to which you can securely attach your room key. Very useful if you live in a senior residence, for example, and use the rollator to get around the house.

Wohnraumrollator Page Putzhilfe

Useful for house cleaning

You can even safely lean on the rollator when cleaning and use the parking brake.

If the strength to stand should diminish, remove the bag and fold down the the seat board or put it back in place. Remember to apply the brakes when sitting down.

If you have a larger work surface to clean, you can move in a sitting position. Release the handbrakes on your rollator and slowly push yourself off the ground with your feet. This will allow you to scoot around your home and clean everything while sitting.

Effortless vacuuming

You need to vacuum your apartment? You can do that comfortably in a sitting position with the indoor rollator.

Plug the vacuum cleaner into the socket and sit on the rollator. Now you can safely clean the apartment tripping.

Wohnraumrollator Page Staubsauger Hilfe

Youtube Vorschau tTVP9x5mbMc

The indoor rollator as a support when doing laundry

Transporting the laundry basket

Your back hurts from bending over for the laundry basket, and then you also have to carry the heavy basket to the washer or dryer. Phew, how exhausting! With the indoor rollator you don't have to carry the laundry anymore from A to B. Equip the rollator with the separately available realwood tray. Now you can place the heavy laundry basket on the tray and drive it to the washing machine. After your laundry is done, you can drive the laundry basket with your rollator to the tumble dryer or rack.

This saves you from having to carry the basket, and also frees up your hands to walk safely on the rollator. This way you can avoid falls at home and save your strength.

Hang up laundry

To hang up the laundry, place the basket slightly elevated on a table or chair. Now you can sit on the seat board of the rollator. Due to the stability of the indoor rollator you can move comfortably while sitting. During the so-called "tripping", you push yourself slightly off the ground with your feet, allowing you to move back and forth between the rack and the laundry basket while sitting. Here, too, the risk of a fall is significantly reduced, since you do not have to perform this activity while standing. Hanging up on the rack also works great while sitting, so give it a try.

For even more comfortable sitting we have an upholstered seat. So you sit even more comfortable and slightly elevated.

Wohnraumrollator Page Polstersitz

Ironing laundry

After the laundry has been dried, the strenuous ironing often follows. Since ironing boards are conveniently height adjustable are height-adjustable, you can also ironitzen act.

Simply adjust the ironing board to the correct height. Insert the seat board or the padded seat into the living room rollatorin the living room rollator. And alreadyyouno longer have to stand while ironing or sit on a wobbly ironing stool.The rollator also allows you tofetch to remain seated while fetching the next piece of laundry.

Should you want to sit more comfortably, treat yourself to our back roll for the indoor rollator. This is attached to the frame of the rollator with the help of a zipper

Wohnraumrollator Page Wäsche Transport

Putting away the laundry

Finally, the laundry just needs to be put away in the closet. For this we have a little tip for you. If you put the seat board and the tray in a V-shape in the rollator, you can put your laundry on it. Now you can safely walk on the rollator while you put away your freshly washed laundry.

The indoor rollator is always safely at your side. It helps you avoid falls. And protects your strength resources.

Use your valuable energy for things that are important to you and bring you joy.

Youtube Vorschau GN1ncZDlslg

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Avoid falls at home

Your home is a place where you want to feel safe and secure. Nevertheless: The danger of falling or slipping is not to be sneezed at. But with just a few simple steps you can do a lot to eliminate tripping hazards. We would like to show you which things you should pay attention to in order to avoid falls in your home.

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