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Reflectors and penguin walk

20.10.2020, um 15:17 Uhr

Clocks on winter time: Safely on the move with the rollator. Now that it gets dark early and the ground is often damp and slippery, there are a few things to keep in mind. These include, for example, the penguin walk.

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NEW: Online Rollator Advisor

02.07.2020, um 09:53 Uhr

Saljol has extended its digital offer by an online rollator consultant. The offer is aimed at users or relatives who have no previous experience with rollators.

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NEW: Rollz Motion Performance

20.01.2020, um 09:29 Uhr

For the Rollz Motion² wheelchair rollator there is now also an all-terrain version with pneumatic tyres. Thanks to four large pneumatic tyres, the Rollz Motion Performance also rides on bumpy surfaces. Available since 01.01.20 at SALJOL.

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Rollator safety in autumn & winter

17.12.2019, um 10:00 Uhr

In its HilfsmittelBlog, the aid manufacturer SALJOL provides tips for the safe use of the rollator in autumn and winter. After all, darkness, cold, snow and ice pose a particular challenge for users of rollators.

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Rollz and Saljol

10.12.2019, um 09:09 Uhr

From 1.1.2020 SALJOL will take over the distribution of the extraordinary premium rollators of the Dutch manufacturer Rollz International in Germany. At the same time Rollz International will take over the distribution of SALJOL products in Great Britain with its newly founded British subsidiary Rollz Mobility UK Ltd.

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Small carbon rollator from Saljol

18.11.2019, um 11:48 Uhr

SALJOL's stylish carbon rollator is now also available in a version for smaller adults up to 1.60 m tall. With a handle height of only 76 cm and a seat height of only 54 cm it is one of the smallest Carbon Rollato rents for adults.

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Rollator Day NRW

16.09.2019, um 14:04 Uhr

"Mobility knows no age" - this is the motto of the Rollator Days NRW, which will take place in many cities in North Rhine-Westphalia until 22.9.

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Stand up chair in test

24.07.2018, um 12:28 Uhr

SALJOL's stand-up and recliner in the GGT test rated club senior chairs as "Very good" and "Good".

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Support by means of living room rollator

23.07.2018, um 12:20 Uhr

SALJOL's multifunctional "Page" living room rollator offers many other rather untypical uses in addition to the typical support possibilities when walking, standing and sitting.

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Anti fall day 2018

04.05.2018, um 10:43 Uhr

A series of events for fall prevention, the "Anti-Sturz-Tag", starts on April 20 during the senior citizens' fair "Die 66" in Munich.

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