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Reflectors and penguin walk

Clocks on winter time: Safely on the move with the rollator

Maisach, 22.10.20 Older people who are no longer able to walk well can regain some independence by using a walker. However, now that it gets dark early and the ground is often damp and slippery, there are a few things to consider. One of them is the penguin walk.

During an autumn walk, wet leaves on roads and paths can make it quite slippery. If you still want to move safely, you should imitate the penguins: They shift the body's centre of gravity forward over the appearing leg, put the foot on with the whole sole and bend the feet slightly outwards. This is also possible with a rollator. By holding on to the rollator handles, users automatically bend forward slightly and therefore do not need to change their posture. However, it is important to take each step slowly and consciously.

Good profile and visibility

In wet weather, a coarse profile is essential. This applies to the wheels of the rollator as well as to the shoes. If necessary, it is safer to take the smart low shoes with you than to venture out onto the slippery footpath. Even if it means a small detour, rollator users should make use of traffic lights and zebra crossings. This gives them time to cross the road in peace and quiet, without being swayed by fear of approaching cars. Good visibility, for example through reflectors on the rollator and clothing, also contributes greatly to road safety. And finally, everyone should check their daily form and the weather conditions before setting off. In severe icy conditions it is better to stay at home.

Further tips for rollator users can be found in the blog post " Rollator safety in autumn and winter", a service from Saljol,

1,806 characters, 275 words. Casting free of charge. Source: Prevention recommendations of the German society for orthopedics and accident surgery,

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Thomas Appel

Thomas Appel (Managing Director)
+49 (0) 171 480 4999

SALJOL. Keep going.

The word "Saljol" means "fun in life" and "Joy of Life" and sums up the philosophy of the company: The young company develops and sells innovative aids that give pleasure and dignity. The company headquarters in Maisach, Bavaria, stands for innovation and tradition. Tradition, because at Saljol, industry-famous aids professionals with many years of experience have come together. They have set themselves the goal of making proven aids better, more comfortable and more individual than before. Innovation, because the compensation of physical limitations should not stigmatize. The whole team works closely with the people who need the products. The needs of these users set the standard for the products - not the medical aid register or cost unit. "Always on." This is the credo of this ambitious team. Because it uses its experience for the benefit of its customers, thinks every product further and thus develops into the premium brand for innovative aids.

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