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Saljol recline chairs

Get up safely and effortlessly with our electric Saljol TV, recliner chairs. All recliners have a lumbar support. The seat depth and headrest can be adjusted. This ensures comfortable and ergonomically correct sitting. The remote control for the armchairs attaches to the headrest and side section with the aid of a magnet.



Table of contents

Relax Armchair

Electric recline armchairs - how they help you

As we get older, the muscle strength in our legs can diminish. This can make getting up and sitting down in a conventional chair more difficult or even pose a risk of injury.

With a riser armchair, you can avoid the following situations:

  • At a certain point, you lack the strength in your legs and simply let yourself fall into your chair.
  • To get up from the chair, you have to pull yourself up by a table or another piece of furniture .
  • You need help from your partner or a relative to get up from the chair.

In these situations, you are not only putting enormous strain on your spine, you are also increasing the risk of falling. When pulling up on furniture, it can tip over and when you drop into the chair, you can easily miss it or it can slip.

A recliner offers the ideal support here. It puts you in exactly the right position from which you can stand up and sit down more easily. You can get into the standing, sitting or lying position with little effort and a reduced risk of falling.

Features of the Saljol Recline Chairs

The recliners are all characterized by their well thought-out and helpful features. Each chair has the same basic functions, but the features of the individual chairs differ in detail.

Electric armchairs for getting up safely

The motors of the armchairs are controlled via the illustrated and easy-to-understand remote control. You can move each chair from the sitting position to the standing position and back, and from the sitting position to the lying position and back.

Reclining function

You can comfortably recline for a midday rest or a relaxing evening watching TV. You can move the footrest and backrest independently of each other so that you can just raise your feet to read, for example. Saljol armchairs allow you to have an almost horizontal reclining surface.

Remote Control

Riser function

Stand-up function

The stand-up position makes it easier to get up from the chair, as the buttocks are lifted upwards and all you have to do is start walking. In return, you can stand backwards against the chair and slowly and safely lower yourself into a sitting position. This elegantly and safely compensates for any lack of muscle strength in your legs.

Let us advise you

Have we piqued your interest? But you're still not sure which chair is right for you? Then you will find additional helpful information in the following section. Our sales and service team will be happy to provide you with detailed advice free of charge on +49 8141 317 740. Alternatively, you can also visit a local medical supply store, have the chairs demonstrated to you and, of course, try them out.

Other special features of the Saljol recliner chairs at a glance

Sophisticated armrests

For a better hold and more safety when standing up and sitting down, the surface of the armrests is flattened towards the inside.

Lumbar support included

To increase seat stability, ergonomics and, of course, comfort, every chair has a lumbar support built into the back.

Adjustable headrest

The oval-shaped headrest encloses the head so that it is always supported and does not fall onto the shoulder. The angle can also be adjusted to suit your needs.

Magnetic remote control

The armchairs have a magnetic remote control. The magnet holds the remote control securely to the armrests, the back of the armchair and the side panels.

Adjusting the seat depth

For the best possible seating comfort, you can adjust the seat depth of all armchairs in two stages.

Movable armchair

To be able to move the armchair around the room, it has 4 castors that can be locked.

Practical accessory - the swivel table for all Saljol Recline Chairs

Space for all the important things

Extend the armchair with the Tabula swivel table. The optional table can be attached to all Saljol armchairs. The table can be swiveled so that it can be pulled up or pushed away as required.

The table frame, which can bear loads of up to 150 kg, can be used as an additional support. The table is designed so that it automatically moves to the side when the chair is moved into the stand-up position.

The table is large enough to place a plate, cutlery and a glass on. It is also ideal for reading or as a writing surface.

Swivel Table Tabula
