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Safe on the road at dusk and in the dark

Carbon Rollator in the dark


The coffee party in the neighbourhood is so cozy that you stay longer than planned or the shopping trip was so nice ... and suddenly it's dark outside. In autumn and winter in particular, it is often unavoidable to be out and about at dusk or in the dark. It is therefore all the more important that you are clearly visible as a pedestrian and rollator user. We have summarized the most important points for you.

Reflectors for better visibility

Winter also means that it gets light later and dark earlier. Ideally, you should leave the house when it is light. Not only is it a little warmer then, but you will also be seen better by drivers and cyclists. Sometimes there is no other way to plan and you have to be out and about at dusk. It's good if you and your rollator are fitted with as many reflectors as possible. This is because reflectors are best seen in poor light. They should be positioned as low as possible so that they are better illuminated by headlights.

reflective elements

On the rollator

Bright and reflective elements on the rollator wheels are particularly effective. Many high-quality rollators are equipped with reflectors on the spokes, on the side of the frame and on the handles. If required, you can buy additional reflectors as stickers for your rollator. These are available in different shapes and colors and can also be cut to size as required.

On clothing

Textile stickers, snap bands for legs and arms or belts to wear around your neck are suitable for your clothing. Also wear light-colored and high-contrast clothing. People with dark clothing "blur" in the dark and are difficult for drivers to recognize.
Joachim Tabath, senior citizen advisor with the Düsseldorf police, says: "In the dark, a person wearing dark clothing can only be seen up to about 25 meters away. With high-contrast clothing, that's around 40 meters. But if reflectors are attached to your clothing and rollator, you can be seen up to 150 meters away. Drivers can then even brake in time at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour."

high contrast

lights on the rollator

Additional lighting

As with cycling, it is helpful if the path in front of you is illuminated by a light. If you have poor eyesight, you will benefit from a lamp that can illuminate the path. Attached to the rollator, it not only illuminates the path, but also makes you more visible in traffic .

Take care when crossing the road

Only cross roads at well-lit areas, traffic lights and crosswalks. Take enough time to watch the traffic and wait for the right moment to cross the road. Allow extra time when crossing: Not only may you need a little more time to walk in snow and icy conditions - cars and bicycles also have a longer braking distance due to road or visibility conditions.


Blog tip: Safely through autumn and winter with a rollator

Are you interested in tips and tricks for travelling safely in the dark and on poorly lit paths? Then take a look at our blog Safely through autumn and winter with your rollator.

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Which rollator topic would you like tips on? Please email us at to let us know which topics you are interested in. We look forward to hearing from you!


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