Your personal and free advice about our rollators and other aids: +49 (0) 8141 317 74 0
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Innovation from Germany

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Saljol Hub

Network Centre for exchange

New showroom will be a centre for exchange

With the opening of the showroom, we are taking a further step towards a user-oriented strategy. With our showroom, a mixture of product exhibition and café, we want to encourage customers, end users and other regional partners to exchange ideas.

Here, products are exhibited, tested and can be purchased by end customers. In addition to classic living room situations such as bathroom, bedroom and living room, a rollator test track invites you to try them out. In addition, an open kitchen provides space for sitting down, discussions or seminars. This enables the exchange of information between users, employees, relatives, but also self-help groups, physiotherapists or employees from the medical supply store.

The showroom is also our test laboratory: POS and print material is tested here before it is sent to medical supply stores on a large scale. We would also be happy to train you, your colleagues or employees on our products on site.

A further step towards "User Centered Design

With the showroom concept we continue to pursue our user-oriented strategy. We want to bring together different people in the showroom. Employees from product development, marketing and internal sales have the opportunity for an open exchange with product users and relatives. We greatly appreciate the feedback from the discussions and product demonstrations and use it for the further development of our products. Since our foundation 4 years ago, we have been pursuing a strategy that focuses on user-friendliness, customer satisfaction and the acceptance of the products in everyday life.

We train our employees as medical product consultants and consultants for the living environment. We rely on medical supply stores on site or in the vicinity of our end customers when it comes to further services, prescription or product inquiries which go beyond the Saljol product portfolio. The focus of the customer meeting is on holistic and professional advice, fall prevention and advice on the living environment. We promote a positive brand experience in the showroom, through comprehensive advice and the opportunity to put all products through their paces.

Impressions from the Saljol Hub

Here you can find us


Saljol GmbH
Frauenstr. 32
82216 Maisach

Opening hours

Monday - Friday
9:00 am - 4:00 pm

or by telephone arrangement
08141 - 317 74 0

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