Your personal and free advice about our rollators and other aids: +49 (0) 8141 317 74 0
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Innovation from Germany

Wir entwickeln in Deutschland!

SALJOL entwickelt alle Produkte in Deutschland nur für Sie.

Dadurch erfüllen wir höchste Ansprüche auf Qualität und Sicherheit.

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30 days trial in Germany


Profitieren Sie von unserer 30-Tagen-Geld-Zurück-Garantie:

Einfach bestellen, 30 Tage kostenlos testen und bei Nichtgefallen einfach zurückschicken.

Saljol verspricht Ihnen eine unkomplizierte Rückabwicklung.

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Standard- und Express-Checkout

Saljol arbeitet mit den sichersten Zahlungsmethoden und Partnern.

In Zusammenarbeit mit Paypal, können Sie unseren Express-Checkout nutzen - ohne Anmeldung, ohne Extrakosten.


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Premium auxiliaries directly from the manufacturer

Shop opening in Maisach

We open our showroom for customers in Maisach

Premium aids directly from the manufacturer: We at Saljol develop premium aids for an easier life. We are experts with over 20 years of experience in the industry. As a manufacturer we put a lot of heart and soul into product development. For products that enable independent everyday life - despite limited mobility. For solutions that enable people to live at home for as long as possible - without the hospital look. With high-quality materials and a great love of detail. For fewer falls in everyday life. For more security in old age. For more fun in life.

The new Saljol showroom is now open for customers as a retail shop. Here you will find innovative tools to prevent falls.

Products from Saljol

Good quality of advice guaranteed

At Saljol the human being with his needs is always in the foreground. All our employees are trained medical product consultants and living environment consultants. No matter whether you would like to inform yourself without obligation about an independent life in old age or have a specific inquiry - we will be happy to help you. If you have a prescription or need a product that is not in our product range, we will be happy to refer you to a medical supply store near you. Everything else you can buy directly in our showroom and take with you. We deliver stand-up chairs directly to your home.


Saljol GmbH
Frauenstr. 32
82216 Maisach

Opening hours

Monday - Friday
9:00 am - 4:00 pm

or by telephone arrangement
08141 - 317 74 0

Notes on Covid-19

Your health is our top priority. We have prepared everything: Please feel free to visit us even in the current situation. We disinfect all our products after each visit and comply with the distance and mask regulations.

Impressions from the Saljol Showroom
