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Say goodbye to boredom - 6 tips to sweeten everyday life at home!

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Some call it boredom, we call it valuable time! Time that wants to be used! Because nowadays there are so many ways to occupy yourself or perhaps do something you've never had time for before!

We have put together the favorite activities of our team and our family members for you so that boredom doesn't even arise. Let yourself be inspired when the weather doesn't invite you to go out or you don't feel fit enough to do anything. Even if you have to stay at home a lot due to illness or your everyday life could simply offer more variety, you are sure to find an activity here that you enjoy.

Time for what you enjoy

There are countless things that are fun and entertaining. Just try out what you feel like doing. The great thing is that you can do it at your own pace and according to your current constitution.

Here we go:

1. solve puzzles, Sudoku & Co.

Solving puzzles and brainteasers boosts your memory and makes a few hours fly by without company. For example, you can also play the game "City, Country, River" over the phone with friends or family members who don't have time to visit or live far away. This is a great way to spend some time together and boost your memory.

cross word

2. get creative

Do you love handicrafts and crafts? Then browse through your stash at home or the nearest craft or decoration store for exciting utensils. Depending on your skills and dexterity, choose something that doesn't take too much effort but is easy to do. For example, if your eyesight is not so good or you find it difficult to coordinate your fingers, ask about everyday aids. There are special scissors for impaired fine motor skills. Magnifying glasses that you can hang around your neck to keep your hands free. Or needles where you can easily hook the thread through an open, spring-loaded eye instead of laboriously threading it.


With needle and thread

Knit or crochet a new pair of socks, gloves or a cuddly toy for the grandchildren for yourself or the family. Organize fabrics and sew a new bag for the kindergarten or something for the grandchildren to wear, for example. You can find lots of ideas and instructions online that are easy to print out. Embroidery is also a great way to pass the time, and there are ready-made kits including embroidery thread, pre-printed tablecloths, instructions and needles.

Craft workshop

Perhaps you are looking for an idea for an Advent calendar for your children? My grandpa, for example, used to make an Advent calendar out of walnut shells for all his grandchildren every year. There was no better calendar for us children. You organize a few walnut shells and small objects/sweets to fill the shells with. These can then be glued together on a string.

craft work

3. reading or listening to audio books

Reading a book is always a great activity. But do you sometimes simply lack the energy to do so? Then why not have a book read to you? We all loved listening to audiobooks as a child - why not as an adult? This would make a great gift if your family members don't know what to get you for Christmas or your birthday. There are often audiobooks on sale in supermarkets, you can order them from online stores or listen to them via programs such as Audible.

photo puzzle

4. design photo puzzles and photo books

There are many providers where you can turn photos into a puzzle. Have your favorite motif immortalized in puzzle form and you can spend hours putting it together again and again. Photo books can now also be easily created online. Or have your photos printed and sent to you and make your own photo book or photo calendar for yourself and your loved ones.

5. learn languages

Japanese, Icelandic, Italian or French - there are so many interesting languages you could learn. Fortunately, you now have various options for learning a language or a country. Be it through traditional adult education courses, at university or via apps such as Babbel or Duolingo. You may even have the opportunity to help your grandchildren at school with your knowledge.

6. talk to your loved ones

It is very important to have regular appointments to keep your everyday life varied. If physical distance or physical restrictions mean that visits are rarely possible, use the telephone or digital aids. Thanks to a telephone flat rate, chat function or video call, you can at least spend time with your loved ones virtually. Arrange fixed appointments with family or friends and always talk on the phone at the same time. You can organize such an appointment as a joint TV evening. Simply watch a program together while you are on the phone and talk about it again afterwards. This creates the feeling that you don't have to watch TV alone and you can even chat with someone afterwards.

mobile phone

Get your everyday life going again with the right idea

So, have you found something fun among our ideas? We hope that you will enjoy many varied hours doing puzzles, crafting or even learning a new language.

Do you have any other ideas that you would like to share with us and other readers? Then send us your suggestions, including a photo, to or write us a comment. We look forward to trying out and sharing your ideas.

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