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Rollator safety in autumn and winter - SALJOL blog gives tips and assistance for rollator users

Zeichnung - Gehen wie ein Pinguin im Winter

(Fürstenfeldbruck, 17.12.2019) The aid manufacturer SALJOL provides tips for the safe use of the rollator in autumn and winter in its AidBlog. Because darkness, cold, snow and ice pose special challenges for rollator users.

"We would like to offer rollator users help with our tips so that they can get through the winter safely and securely," says Friederike Appel, Head of Marketing & E-Commerce at SALJOL. "To this end, we have collected a lot of information in our blog on how to best prepare for slippery conditions, poor visibility and darkness.

Penguin walk for safe walking in icy conditions This includes tips on the right clothing and shoes, help for the correct self-assessment, information on the best equipment for the winter and instructions for safe walking. "In addition to reflectors, lighting, a rollator umbrella and rollator wheels with a coarser profile, we recommend the Penguin Walk," reports Friederike Appel. Because penguins would know exactly how to move around so as not to slip. "You can move in the same way on a walker: with the body's center of gravity moved forward over the emerging leg." The foot rests with the entire sole and points slightly outwards. The slightly forward inclined posture provides stability. "That's not so difficult," says Friederike Appel. "When walking on the rollator, you are automatically bent slightly forward anyway."

The SALJOL blog also contains tips and information on many other topics relating to aids such as rollators and wheelchairs, fall prevention or correct sleeping. Experience reports from people who use assistive devices round off the offer.

The SALJOL blog can be found at: The blog post on rollator safety can be found at:

Thomas Appel (Managing Director)
+49 (0) 171 480 4999

Here you can download the press release.

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