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Fair, funfair, public festival - great fun even with a rollator

Oktoberfest with Rollator


Admittedly, the five-loop at the Oktoberfest would be a real challenge and dancing on the beer bench is also rather impractical for people with limited mobility. Nevertheless, we know at least four reasons why a visit to a funfair can be an unforgettable and wonderful day for all of us. We're sure you can think of even more reasons!

  • You can take a leisurely stroll around the fairground with friends or family. Thanks to the short distances, you always have the opportunity to stop off at a beer tent or beer garden.
  • Are you traveling with grandchildren? What could be nicer than seeing their shining eyes when you give them a cotton candy or gingerbread heart or look at the little ants on the Ferris wheel together?
  • The hustle and bustle and exuberance are infectious. Enjoy the great atmosphere and sway along to the music. You can even do this sitting down.
  • Leave your everyday worries behind for an hour or more. Treat yourself to a sip of beer, which can also be non-alcoholic. Nibble on a handful of roasted almonds or candied fruit. Take a look at the colorful sea of lights as evening falls at the funfair.

fun fair



8 tips for a successful trip to the funfair

We have put together 8 tips for you to make your trip to the funfair an all-round great experience:

on the train


1. plan your excursion in advance

Find out about the location of the funfair, parking facilities and barrier-free access. If you are traveling by train or bus: Where are the nearest stops and when does the transport run? Do you have a cell phone? Take a photo of the timetable so you always have it to hand.

2. let someone accompany you

It is helpful to take a friend or family member with you who can support you if necessary. Apart from that, a trip to the funfair is much more fun with two or more people.

3. check your rollator

Make sure that your rollator is properly adjusted, that the brakes work well and that it has the right accessories, e.g. a rollator bag, a back belt or a mountable umbrella.

4. dress appropriately

Wear non-slip, closed shoes to walk safely on different surfaces and avoid injuries. Comfortable clothing is also important. If you are out and about for longer, think about the onion look. You can then put on or take off a layer of clothing depending on the temperature.

5. pack carefully

Before your trip, plan what you need to pack in your rollator bag or rucksack. Take the necessary items with you, such as medication, a water bottle and sunscreen.

6. enjoy what you feel like doing

Many fairground attractions are accessible for people with limited mobility. Find out in advance about accessible rides and attractions on the Internet or from friends and acquaintances.

7. remember to take breaks

A small snack in between helps to bridge waiting times and provide quick refreshment. Also plan regular breaks to rest and avoid exhaustion. Use the seat net of your rollator for this purpose.

8. be careful

Pay attention to your safety and that of your companions. Of course, it is not easy to avoid crowds at a funfair. Therefore, make sure you walk as far ahead as possible. This will help you to avoid being bumped into or overlooked by other visitors.

take a break

Whether it's the Munich Oktoberfest, the Cannstatter Wasen in Stuttgart, the Düsseldorf funfair on the Rhine or a small local folk festival - each of these events is worth a visit. And with good preparation, you can enjoy every second of it.

Enjoying life - how do you sweeten your everyday life?

Do you still enjoy life despite your limited mobility? Then write to us about your most exciting experiences and your best excursions. We look forward to great stories! Use your story to encourage others to fulfill their own wishes.

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